4 Permanent Changes That Will Happen Because Of The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

4 Permanent Changes That Will Happen Because Of The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

2020 is the year of change filled with fear, anxiety, but also, this year brings up many unknowns that are sure to shake up the world because of the Covid-19 coronavirus. First reports of this virus came from Wuhan, China back in December 2019 and it blew up at the beginning of 2020. As of writing this post, there’s are millions of people who have been affected by this. Large parts of the population are at home under self-quarantine or have been ordered home by their local government to stay home in an attempt to contain the spread of the virus. With the world going through a “stay-at-home” and a “work-at-home” lifestyle, there are some things will change as a result of this:

People will have an increased demand for more online services and online content

With most of the world staying home, people have more opportunities to do more things at home, such as learning a skill, taking a course, or start a business. People will consume more online content online nowadays, and it’s not far fetched to say that many people will be starting a side hustle or business at this time. As long as there is electricity, internet connection, computers and mobile devices, there will be people who will consume online content or need services online and do something with it.

People will start and work on projects they’ve been putting off for various reasons

Plenty of ideas laying stagnant in people’s minds and many side hustle projects will finally see the light of day. People will finally have more time to work on their side hustles/projects since they are grounded at home. I bet there are people now that are going through some tough times, but with being locked down, they get a chance to work on a business idea that can potentially take off and help them quit their job and sustain themselves. A good example of this are the people who started businesses during the 35 day US Government shutdown in early 2019.

People will practice more social distancing but will bring themselves together via the internet

Remember when I mentioned about consuming online content? Since most people are not going out, they are most likely glued to their phones, tablets, computers, TV’s, etc. Even if physically apart, people can come together online and create communities.

The internet will change how business will be conducted now more than ever

Although we’ve had technology advances already where people can conduct anything online, being on lock down or being quarantined is really pushing the world to a more virtual one. Many traditional ways of doing daily activities will have to adapt to our virtual world. Virtual reality will be huge and so will telemedicine/telehealth. Many people who managed to avoid the internet and computers will have to adapt to the online world more than ever if they want to survive in today’s society.

Food For Thought

Overall, people will develop a more healthier digital lifestyle. Whether it’s for work, making your home life better, or even starting your own business / side hustle/ project that you’ve been to create, now is the time to make things happen. If you have a computer, tablet, smart phone, and an internet connection, the world is literally at your fingertips. During these trying times, your experience is as best as you can make it. So, while you are grounded at home, why not take this opportunity to take these trends into consideration and start your own business / side hustle /project today? Why not do something what you’ve been wanting to work on for while? Just remember, as long as you take into account the items listed above, you are well on your way to adapting to the changes that this Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic brings. Adapt and you will succeed. Also, stay healthy and be safe.