5 Side Hustles You Can Start While Working A Full-Time Nursing Job

5 Side Hustles You Can Start While Working A Full-Time Nursing Job

Nursing can open up a wide array of opportunities, and it’s not just about working at the bedside. Did you know there are plenty of businesses that you can do while having a full time nursing job? Take note that the side hustles listed below are not get-rich-quick schemes. They require time and effort to build, but once they are up and running, they can benefit you long term.

Here are side hustles that you can do as a nurse:

Health Content Creator

You can write for a company as a dedicated staff writer, freelancer, or a ghost writer. Topics that a content creator can cover anything from nursing career advice, health conditions, patient education, nutrition, health and wellness, and many more. You can write for a company as a staff writer, be a freelancer for a writing company, be a freelancer publishing in your own platform, or ghost write for another person. Click here for a Hubspot article I recommend you read about how to be a successful content creator.

CPR Instructor

You can obtain your CPR instructor certification through 2 organizations: American Heart Association or the American Red Cross. In order to open yourself to opportunities to reach out to as many people as you can, you can be certified from both organizations. Nurses are required to have at least their CPR certification and for others, advanced cardiac life support for adults and children. You need to get your provider certification first before obtaining the instructor certification. If you are already a certified provider, you have already started your first step in becoming an instructor.

Becoming A Nurse Health Coach

Many do not realize that while caring for patients, you are already coaching patients. Whether its providing education regarding a patient’s medication, condition, or even something simple like explaining discharge instructions, nurses play a vital coaching role in so many ways. With this business, you can open your own practice. Some nurse coaching firms focus on clinical education, health and wellness, etc. The possibilities are endless. For more information from the American Holistic Nurses Association, click here.

Starting A Blog

Very similar to being a health content creator, being a nurse blogger is something you can do as a side hustle. With this, you can write about anything you want and monetize from it. With blogs, success and earning money from it is not a get rich scheme. It takes time, effort, and putting systems in place in order to make your blog profitable. Also, it takes some time, however, once established and you have an audience, you can only grow from there as long as you publish content consistently and you address what you niche wants to learn more about. For a detailed step by step process on how to start a blog, click on a post we published on how to start your own blog today.

Starting A Youtube Channel

Getting started in this requires a Google account, which you can get by signing up for a free Gmail account. Once you create your account, you also create a YouTube account. YouTube is free video platform that you can use to create an online presence to promote whatever topic you want to be in. What’s cool about YouTube is that it’s the 2nd most popular search engine worldwide millions of users. To monetize using Google Adsense in this platform, you will need 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours as of writing this post. However, you can monetize sooner by attaching affiliate links where you can earn commission from products, and one of the most popular affiliate link platforms that people use is the Amazon affiliate program. Just like blogging, this is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time, effort, and consistent content creation to be a successful YouTuber.

As you can notice, these are not quick dollar making gigs. It takes time, effort, and consistency to make these side hustles profitable. Once you have things set in motion, you can only grow from here. For example, content you create can work while you sleep since the internet is always active 24/7. Once you have a clientele as a health coach, you always have a community to work with, etc. There is one quote that I want to share that really impacted me, and it’s this:

Make your side hustle your main hustle

Build long term systems, and have processes in place in order for you to be successful in a long run. Good luck and do your best!