How To Stay Safe and Healthy During The COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

How To Stay Safe and Healthy During The COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic took the world by surprise. Even saying that feels like an understatement because the world was so unprepared for what’s going on. COVID-19 was first reported in Wuhan, China back in December 2019 and has spread globally since. As of writing this post, the countries most affected by the coronavirus so far is China, Italy, Iran, South, Korea and Japan. More and more countries are catching up to these countries daily.

As scary as this is, there are some things that you can do in order to protect yourself from the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Wash your hands thoroughly with high foaming soap

Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. How I do it I sing “Happy Birthday” twice in normal speed.

Click this link for the World Heath Organization’s step by step way to properly wash your hands.

Thoroughly sanitize your hands

When using hand sanitizer, use hand sanitizers that are least 60% alcohol. Anything below that is not effective in killing germs. Read the labels carefully. It’s hard to find sanitizer nowadays and online they go for at least 8x its original price.

Stay home. Don’t go outside if you don’t need to.

Stay home as much as possible. If you are on lockdown, follow your local government’s lockdown protocols. Only go outside your home if you need to restock on supplies or get medical help. Unless you are an emergency worker and need to go to work, follow your employer’s guidance about the Coronavirus. Stay home if you need to stay home. If you are infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, stay home. Don’t go to work. Especially if you are sick, stay home.

Practice social distancing

If you need to be out and be around people, make sure you are at least 6 feet away from another person. Also, make sure you are not in big crowded areas. If you need to go to the grocery store, just be careful.

Don’t touch your face

One of the ways we can infect ourselves with the coronavirus is by touching our face. To be more precise, if you touch any surfaces with the coronavirus and you touch your face, you infect yourself this way.

Cough or sneeze on your elbow or a piece of tissue

When you sneeze, control where your sneeze goes. If you have the coronavirus, this is how it’s spread. For a few hours after you sneeze, the virus is airborne. It’s best you catch it, kill it, bin it with a piece of tissue or sneeze on your elbow.

Eat well and stay hydrated

During this time, everything is closed but it does not mean you cannot find ways to take care of yourself. You still have electricity, refrigeration, and internet connection. You have more time for yourself now so you can have more time to prepare meals. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Avoid things like coffee, energy drinks, alcohol, or anything that will cause dehydration.

Keep up with you physical fitness

Even though gyms are closed currently during the pandemic, you can work out from by following YouTube video workouts online. You can also walk your dog (if you have a dog). Keep moving and stay active. We are most risk to be sedentary because most of us are on lockdown and in self-quarantine at home. You don’t necessarily have to do CrossFit, but you can at least move around for at least 30 minutes.

During this pandemic, please stay safe and practice these tips on taking care of yourself. Stay home. Listen to your local government’s guidelines on how to stay safe during this time. Practice good hygiene because good hand hygiene saves lives. Social distancing will help in slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Stay healthy. Let’s stay positive, and remember that this too shall pass. Take care of yourself and your loved ones always.