Nursing, Business, and Entrepreneurship: The Perfect Combination

Nursing, Business, and Entrepreneurship: The Perfect Combination

When you look back in history, think of how nursing started. It did not start out as a formal profession. In fact, if you look at how nursing progressed throughout history, we’ve always worked under someone else. Venturing into business and becoming an entrepreneur breaks down this usual trend.

There are many reasons why nurses consider starting a business, but from what I see, I believe there’s not enough nurses in the business arena. I sometimes wonder why that is the case, especially since nursing is such a highly skilled profession.

Stop and think for a second on how nurses are trained to be in our profession.

Nurses are always trained to follow and carry out orders. We are the middle man/woman between patients and physicians and other multidisciplinary departments, such as Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Social Work, Case Management, etc.

We, as nurses, have a chance to break this mold and take control of our destiny. We are at an advantage when it comes to progression in our career. We have plenty of opportunities available to us.

Consider this: what profession teaches you patient care in school, and if you stay in long enough as a nurse, you can end up with your own home health agency, legal nursing consulting firm, start your own education practice, open a nursing assistant school, become a nurse influencer within your specialty, or even invent a medical device that can improve patient care, and in return, you make millions?

Nursing is where you can do this.

Nursing is not just about learning the best techniques to make a bed, to wash your hands, give medications, and deal with unruly physicians. Nursing is a gateway for us to achieve plenty of opportunities to advance our career and our lives.

Here are some nursing skills that you have that can be applied in business and entrepreneurship:

– Teamwork and collaboration
– Critical thinking
– Problem solving
– Delegation
– Learning to work with different personalities
– Working under pressure
– Utilizing the nursing process

If you are a nurse, nursing student, or even considering being a nurse, let me ask you this: what are you waiting for? Take the first step today to take control of your life and be the best you can be. If you even entertained the idea of starting a business, I highly encourage you do explore this option. The Nursing Bloc family will be with you to help you every step of the way.

You already have the tools to get started. What’s stopping you?