The Nursing Process And How You Can Use It In Business, Life, Etc.

The Nursing Process And How You Can Use It In Business, Life, Etc.

Every nurse have heard at least once in their life what the nursing process is. What exactly is the nursing process? How can it relate to life, business, and other areas of our lives? Although we learn this process in nursing school, this framework can be used for practically anything in life where you try to solve problems and figure out anything. It’s a step by step process on how to perform critical thinking.

There are 5 steps in the nursing process, also known as ADPIE:

  1. Assessment
  2. Diagnosis
  3. Outcomes/Planning
  4. Implementation
  5. Evaluation

***For this explanation of the nursing process, we will use the example of opening your own online store.***

Assessment (A)

This is where I gather the information that I need. For example, if I want to create an online store, this is the step in the process where I will identify what I need to start creating my own online store.

Diagnosis (D)

This is the second step of the nursing process. In this step, this is where I identify whether what I want do is possible or not. If I was opening an online store, this is the step where I will determine if its doable or not. Also, this is the time when I identify whether I will come across any obstacles in making my objective happen.

Planning (P)

This is the stage where I create the steps that I need to take in order to make my plan happen. For example, if I am trying to identify what is the best way to open an online store, I would plan on what platform I should consider, what items I can sell, how will I sell them, to whom should I sell, etc. Here is where I plan on how to make things happen.

Implementation (I)

This is the step in the process where I execute the plan I created from the previous step. This is when I act on my masterplan. This is where my plan will unfold and see how things will work. This is where I will act on my plan on opening an online store.

Evaluation (E)

This last step is where I examine all the steps and planning that I did previously to determine whether if I was successful or not. If I was opening an online store, this is where I will ask myself whether the steps I took to open my online store worked and gave me the results I was looking for, or whether there are things that I need to change or re-do to improve my online store.

ADPIE is not just for school or work. It’s for real life too.

If you have any project you wish to work on, or even just practicing clinical nursing, the nursing process a.k.a. ADPIE is a nursing framework that can be very helpful in everything. First, identify what you have to work with, figure out if there’s anything that you deem necessary in the process, plan for what you want to achieve, execute your plan, and evaluate to see if things worked or not.

Don’t forget ADPIE!