Welcome to The Nursing Bloc, where nursing meets business and entrepreneurship.

Welcome to The Nursing Bloc, where nursing meets business and entrepreneurship.

Welcome to The Nursing Bloc, where nurses meet business and entrepreneurship. My name is Angelica Gacayan and I am a registered nurse, and I am the creator and founder of The Nursing Bloc. I’ve been interested in starting my own business for a very long time, and this project is the result of many years of research, learning, and experiences that I wish to share with others who were in the same boat as me. I started to look into nursing entrepreneurship seriously as my life plan in 2019 although I’ve dabbled with the idea for a while.

I’ve been researching about starting my own business for a while, and one of the questions that made me feel stuck was what type of business should I start? What do I need to get started? Where can I find out more information on getting started? Where can I find other nurse entrepreneurs who already established themselves and their businesses?

What I found is that information that answers these questions are all over the place. I thought why not start a site where nurses can go and learn more about nurse entrepreneurship. The Nursing Bloc is my answer to this.

I invite you to join me, and together, let’s build a nurse entrepreneurship community together where we can build each other up and celebrate each other’s success.

To find out more about The Nursing Bloc, here are some links you can check out: