What Is Your Unique Selling Proposition And How To Come Up With Your Own

What Is Your Unique Selling Proposition And How To Come Up With Your Own

Do you have what it takes to stand out within your niche? Is there something that you have that can help others? Is there something that can make you stand out from your peers within the same niche as you? What is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?

If you haven’t heard already, having a USP is vital to your business success. Whether you are running an Instagram account, a blog, a YouTube channel, or writing a book, your USP is very important. USP is an acronym that stands for Unique Selling Proposition.

Having your own USP can mean the difference between standing out and blending in with the crowd. When a potential customer or visitor to your brand sees you, your USP should quickly answer their question of why they should come to you for your services.

Your USP defines your competitive edge. It is how you position yourself and your business. Your USP defines what makes you stand out from your competition and what value you bring to the world.

Characteristics of a USP

Firstly, your USP must stand out and be assertive.

By this, we mean that your USP should be able to make a strong case for you instead of using a generic motto that people won’t care too much about.

Second, your USP must focus on what your customers value.

Just having the word “unique” is not unique enough. Your USP should offer your customers high-value that will fulfill their needs through your products or services, which in return, will make them come back for more or recommend you to others.

Thirdly, your USP is more than just a slogan, but it’s how you describe the way you deliver value to your customers.

It should apply to all parts of your business from start to finish. It’s how you walk the walk and talk the talk.

How do you come up with your own USP?

Here are some points to reflect on to start figuring out your USP.

  1. Who is your target audience? Figuring out who your target is can help you formulate your USP better because you know who to focus on.
  2. What makes you different from your competitors? Identify what makes you unique from everyone else and what makes you special.
  3. What does your competition do? Figure out what your competition does in order to figure out the gaps you see and position yourself to address your customer’s needs.
  4. What unique angles do you have that can potentially address your clients needs? Are there needs that haven’t been met that you can address?
  5. Put together your findings and formulate your way to success. Go through your findings and pick out your strongest USP.
  6. How can you apply what you learned across your business? Once you figure out how to apply your USP, you can apply it to all parts of your business.

Once you have an idea of what your USP is, it may help to express it if you write it down. Listed below are some sample USP wording that you can use to get started in formulating your own USP.

I help _________ do ____________.

Unlike ______, we __________.

(Your brand) offers _____________ for (target market) to _____________.

Some Food for Thought

Remember, your USP defines your competitive edge. It is how you position yourself and your business. Your USP defines what makes you stand out from your competition and what value you bring to the world. There may be many ways for you to offer, sell, or deliver your goods/services, but just remember that your USP is must stand out, focus on value your customers care about, and it’s more than just a slogan.