I recently came across an Instagram post, and I believe everyone should hear this. It’s an award acceptance speech by Denzel Washington. What resonated with me started at 1:15 mark of this video (see video below) and the quote is written below the video.
Without commitment you’ll never start
Without consistency you’ll never finish
It’s not easy…
…If you fall 7 times, get up 8
Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship
Keep moving
Keep growing
Keep learning
See you at work
– Denzel Washington
No matter what life throws our way, we must be flexible and adjust to the situation. Even when we have steps in place, sometimes we’ll need to tweak things to keep things moving.
One of the greatest obstacles in starting anything is to start. The second hardest thing is to stay consistent. The common denominator between these two is if you do them both, you will look back eventually and ask yourself, “why didn’t I start this before? why did I procrastinate?”
Instead of having regrets, do what you can now to live your life to the fullest and do everything you can within your power to reach your goals and make your dreams come true.
The key to be successful in all of this lies on you. Only you can start, only you can be consistent, and only you can keep showing up to work everyday. You are the reason your goals will be accomplished or not.
What will you choose to do today?