How To Start A Blog – Part 7 – Writing Content And Promoting Your Blog Site

How To Start A Blog – Part 7 – Writing Content And Promoting Your Blog Site

To recap, we’ve talked about coming up with your blog idea, choosing your site platform, getting your own domain and hosting, and choosing your theme. Your framework is finished. After this wonderful time of setting up your site, it’s now time to write. When you write a post, it’s called “content” , and you are a content creator.

When you write content, it must bring value to your readers. Another things you have to do is to stay revelant. To do so, you must not only deliver quality content. You must also do so consistently so your audience will always come back for more. Whether you create your content through text, images, videos, etc., your content is what will draw your readers to come back to you. Without content, how will you attract people to come to your site?

Things that you need to consider when creating content:

  • Tailor your content to a specific audience.
  • Provide value to your audience.
  • Remember, your content is for your audience, not for you.
  • Your content should be easily accessible by your readers. It must be presented in a very attractive way.
  • Your content must entice your audience to interact with your site.
  • Always provide content. Don’t bombard them with pop-up ads or big banner ads. Remember you are there to help them, not use them.

How do you create quality content?

There are many content types that you can consider making for your site. Don’t worry if you feel overwhelmed. Remember that what matters is the quality of your content. Deliver it in a way that makes sense to your audience. How do you create quality content? Here are some things to consider when doing so:

  • State your point directly and clearly
  • Give an example of the point you are discussing
  • Give a simple way to execute on your idea

When it comes to content, take note of some things before and after you launch:

Before you launch
  • About Us – make sure you have this so people know who you are when they visit your site
  • Contact – have this section ready so your readers can reach your if they have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc.
  • Sidebar content – have this setup so your readers can easily navigate through your site
After you launch
  • Blog posts – makes sure to post good-quality content that your readers can engage in regularly, and make sure that you post consistently to keep your readers coming back for more content
  • Pillar content – these are timeless content that you create that can be powerful in attracting your audience when done correctly.

Promoting Your Site

Don’t be ashamed in putting yourself out into the world with your site. If you have a super awesome site and no one knows about it, it’s pretty much pointless. You need to let people know about your site. You need to promote, promote, promote. In order to do so, you can do the following:

Promote your site among your family and friends

Let your friends and family know about your site. Include your site name, your URL, and share it within your social network whether it’s through social media, e-mail, etc.

Utilize social media

Social media reach is amazing. You’d be surprised how far your content will go. Use platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Pick what works best for you and your audience.

Be active within your niche

The more you build credibility for yourself, people within your niche will take notice of you. This is how you can start establishing yourself as an authority within your niche.

Guest blogging

You can further improve your credibility to the internet world guest blogging for other within your niche. Make sure that you do so in reputable sites.

Commenting on other blogs

Commenting on other blogs is a great way to establish relationships with other people within your niche. This is also a great way to start getting involve within your niche. This will also help bring exposure to your and your site.

Start creating and building your mailing list

When you start having fans and readers, it’s good to collect their e-mail so you can always keep in touch with them and keep them updated regularly with your content. Once they trust you more and more, they will be more receptive to promotions that you do on your site.

Using paid traffic (web ads)

Proper use of paid traffic can help you gain exposure and attention to your content before your organic traffic happens. Some places you can do this include Facebook and Google AdWords, which are some major players in this area.

Food For Thought

Remember that you can always find many ways to promote yourself and your site. Just think of the basics: having a clear, functioning site that is focused on giving clear and helpful content to your audience. Your authority will come from helping your fans and readers by giving them quality content that can help improve their lives in some way.