How To Start A Blog – Part 3 – Pick A Domain Name And Web Hosting

How To Start A Blog – Part 3 – Pick A Domain Name And Web Hosting

For this part 3 of this series, we will talk about how to get a domain name.

What is a domain name? Why is it important for you to know?

A domain name will be your online name, like your virtual address. No matter what category or niche you want to focus on, you will need a domain name. It is very important that you pick the right domain name for you because your domain name will be part of your brand. This is also how people will find you.

How To Come Up With A Domain Name

Firstly, brainstorm relevant words to your brand and domain name

Brainstorm some possible words that you like, whether it’s a two word name, a one word name, an acronym, your full name etc.

Perform a generic online search

I suggest that you search various possible names that you come up with to see if others already have it. Once you are ready to purchase your domain name proceed to the next step.

Performa domain name search and buy it

When you are ready to get a domain, buy your domain name. I recommend that if you are buying hosting from Bluehost, get your domain name with them because you will get a free domain name for the first year of your subscription with them.

Recommended Domain Search Tool:

When Choosing A Domain Name, Think of These

  • Don’t use any special characters !@#$%^&*()_+=-<,>.?/\;:””~`
  • Keep it short and simple (KISS) if you can
  • You can use your personal name if doing personal branding
  • Make your name unique and memorable
  • Don’t copy someone else, like adding known brand names to your name (you will get a cease and desist letter from them)
  • Try to get a .com domain name as much as possible.
  • If you will pick a domain with a different extension, make it relevant to your domain name (i.e. if you are building a shopping site, pick a .shop extension, if you are an organization, pick .org)

Choosing Your Web Hosting

For this tutorial, we will be using Bluehost.

A web host will hold all of your site and all files in it. Without this, you cannot have a blog. Here in The Nursing Bloc, we use Bluehost. I personally love how easy to use Bluehost is. Bluehost is an industry standard hosting company that is used by many users worldwide.

Some facts according to Bluehost:

  • Bluehost has remained one of the top trusted website hosting providers since 2005.
  • With over 2 million websites utilizing our platforms, we have maintained our commitment to providing the best in website hosting services and management tools.
  • Bluehost distinguishes itself from competitors by focusing on innovation at all levels; including customer support, infrastructure, security, and our suite of web tools.
  • Bluehost offers customizable themes ready to make a powerful first impression.
  • All of their packages offer expert 24/7 support.

To get your hosting from Bluehost, click here.

Disclosure: BlueHost compensates me when you use my Bluehost affiliate links. It will help pay for maintaining this website. Thank you for your support.