How To Start A Blog – Part 1 – What To Think About Before Starting A Blog
How To Setup Your Own Blog

How To Start A Blog – Part 1 – What To Think About Before Starting A Blog

Are you wondering about how to start your own blog? Do you know what it takes to start a blog? Look no further because in this series of posts, we bring you our guide on how to start your own blog starting with this article. This first post will focus on how to come up with your own blog idea.

First things first: What do you want to write about?

Before you even attempt to try to come up with a blog name, what do you want to write about? Have a deep one on one conversation with yourself to find the answer to this question. Do you want to write about your passion, experiences, or your profession?

Second item on the list: How are you going to focus on your idea?

Once you figure out what you want to write about, what do you want to focus on within this topic? In the world of blogging, the more focused you are with your topic, the better off you are. The more generic your focus is, the harder it will be to deliver your message and to find your voice.

Third item to think about: Do not be discouraged about other people who started before you. You have your own story to tell.

One of the most common things that people encounter when starting a blog is worrying about whether they even have a chance to stand out from their genre because they are not the first. What you need to think about is that only you have your own voice, your own experiences, and all that you’ve been through, felt, seen and know is all yours. No one can copy you word for word because nobody has stepped the same steps and had the same experiences you had.

What’s next: Start your brainstorm session

In order to brainstorm, I suggest to set aside some quiet time for yourself and think of your blog ideas. Starting out, you will have so many ideas that you may feel a bit overwhelmed. This is normal. Grab a pen and notebook, open up a word document or a spreadsheet. Pick a place where you can safely have your ideas in one place and just write down every blog idea that comes up in your head. Don’t even pick you idea yet. Just have a brain dump of your ideas.

Where do I go from here? Tis the question.

Give yourself plenty of time to think of what your blog idea will be. Do not be so critical on yourself if you cannot figure out your idea right away. Do your research. Do give yourself plenty of opportunities to get your brainstorming done. Once you are ready, the next step is narrowing down your focus. When you finish brainstorming ideas for your blog, narrow it down. In order to do that, I suggest you walk away from your list for a few hours up to a day to give your mind a reset. Once you’ve done this, go back to your list and cross out the ones that you don’t think will work for you. From there, formulate your idea

Click here to download our free worksheet to help you when you brainstorm your blog ideas.