How Did I Figure Out My Business Idea?  A Self Case Study (Plus Free Downloadable Worksheet)

How Did I Figure Out My Business Idea? A Self Case Study (Plus Free Downloadable Worksheet)

If you are wondering about what business idea you need to come up with to get started, welcome to the club. You are alone in this process. It’s such a common occurrence among many beginner entrepreneurs to get stuck in this process. When I was brainstorming for business ideas, it took me a while to figure this out and narrow down my idea. What I will share with you in this post is the step by step process in how I came up with my business idea, which led to the creation of The Nursing Bloc.

When I started brainstorming about what kind of business I wanted to do, I thought about a couple of things that I felt would greatly impact my decision.

  • What am I passionate about?
  • What am I knowledgeable in?
  • What topics interest me?
  • What is something I want to learn more about?
  • What problems do I see that I can improve and/or fix?

Click here to download our FREE Business Idea Brainstorming Worksheet.

What am I passionate about?

What is it that I really cannot live without? What am I passionate about? Upon reflecting on this question, I realized that I loved working with computers and teaching others. I am passionate about helping people, giving them the tools they need to make a difference.

What am I knowledgeable in?

I thought about what I know and my work experience. I have nursing knowledge from my work experience. I’ve been working with computers since I was in college and still do now as a nurse. I taught myself on topics such as social media and blogging. I also learned how to incorporate nursing and computer work when I worked as an informatics nurse for a few years.

What topics interest me?

The general gist of what interests me is learning about how to use concepts such as blogging, social media, working with a computer and mobile device, and how I can transform myself into a nurse entrepreneur. So, anything that can help me achieve this will always interest me. Other things that interest me include anything that requires a challenge and learning for me.

What is something that I want to learn more about?

I still feel that I have a lot more to learn in regards to everything I do from nursing to business and everything in between. In order to grow this site and beyond, I definitely want to learn more about social media, blogging, network with other nurses, etc. I think of it as growing not just my brand but for my self-development as well. Also, I think of this as what can I learn that can benefit my audience?

Coming up with a business idea may or may not be easy, but it is definitely worth it. As you go through steps on building your business idea, remember the questions that are listed above. I hope this helps you in your own brainstorming session for your next business idea. I created a worksheet to help you with your own brainstorming process. See below for the link to download our business idea brainstorm worksheet for free. Good luck with your brainstorming session!

Click here to download our FREE Business Idea Brainstorming Worksheet.